
A Time Travelers Guide to Social Change

For parents and grandparents

Positive connections

In this talk, Mary Ann gives lots of examples of ways in which parents and grandparents can use an understanding of the Allison Group’s model of Social Dynamics to have more good times and fun with their families.

Where they might have judged some behavior that appeared strange harshly, they will now have the tools to better understand why their kids and grandkids may act the way they do and to make better informed decisions.

As a result, parents and grandparents can benefit from less stress and worry. And children can bloom when more appreciated, especially when they are leading the way to adapt to changes in the world.

Pictures and stories

Mary Ann uses lots of pictures and stories of real people from our past, present, and emerging future in this briefing. This makes the presentation interesting and inspiring.

Even when being introduced to sophisticated models, pictures help us learn quickly and enjoyably. Because they touch us directly and help us connect to our emotions and experiences.

Audience members often report feeling more hopeful about the future after the presentation.

Family maps

During this talk, audience members will use an Allison Group map of historical eras to locate their family members in time.

This makes the patterns of social change personal and directly relevant.

Audience members often refer to these maps when talking with their families about what they learned.

Always teaching and learning

Because change is now so fast paced, we recommend that every person—adult or child—is teaching something and learning something every week (every day is even better). How to bake a cherry pie, how to weld, how to play Minecraft online.

We engage parents and grandparents in beginning this lifelong process for themselves and their families.

Mary Ann also provides several examples of social change over time that are easy to remember and to teach at home. For example, how to understand and address different problem types or the different ways society uses to evaluate a person over time. Understanding these will increase family member’s ability to navigate life.

Coming to terms

The pace of change is not going to slow or stop. Many of us know this but haven’t fully accepted it.

This talk helps parents and grandparents to see the evidence for this long-term pattern, acknowledge it, and plan accordingly.


Got questions about what kind of speaking we can provide? Have a look at our faqs or get in touch below.

It depends a little on how many people attend and how many questions they ask. The basic material can be presented in 75 minutes. We recommend planning for 90 minutes.

Probably. Let’s talk.

Yes, in some cases. Let’s talk about what is prompting you to ask.

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